1874, by the sum of $111,469.56, and larger than the ordinary re-
ceipts of 1873, by the sum of $200,725 82.
Statement "A," in the appendix to this Report, exhibits in detail
the several sources from which this amount of revenue has been
The total disbursements during the fiscal year, amounted to
$2,436,075.46. Of this aggregate, the sum of $394,148.31 was
transferred to the Sinking Fund, and expanded in the purchase of
State bonds and stock to he held for the use of said fund.
The further sum of $57,549.08 standing to the credit of the Sink-
ing Fund, has also hcsn expended for the same purpose, making an
aggregate of expenditure during the fiscal year, in the purchuse of
State bands and stock for the Sinking Fund, of $451,697.89.
The sum of $1,000.00 was expended in the redemption of
State stock over due, the sum of $63,911.27 has been ex-
pended in the purchase of a site and the erection of the State
Normal School building, and $45,474.81 in purchasing a site and
improving the same, and in furnishing bricks and tho erection of the
State House of Correction. Tho sum of $643,994.41 has been ex-
pended for educational purposes, including the donations to colleges,
academics and schools, and the ordinary appropriations for the in-
struction of the deaf, dumb and blind $117,500.00 for appropria-
tions tn literary, benevolent and charitable institutions; $757,874 36
for interest on the public debt, and $40,320.00 for payment of
pcusions, leaving tho amount expended for the support of tho State
government and other purpose! not segregated above, to be
$1,100,857.04 Of the amount. expended for interest on tho public
debt, the sum of $76,005.24 was advanced uear the end of tho fiscal
year in part payment for the interest due and to be provided on the
first day of October, 1875, and which properly belongs to tho fiscal
year 1876. The different items of expenditure and the Acts autho-
rising the same, are stated fully in Statement "B."
The balance in the Treasury at the end of tho fiscal year, exclu-
sive of tho amounts to the credit of the "Free School Fund" and
"Sinking Fund," amounted to $1,038,111.33. The balance to the
credit of "Free School Fund" was $20,437.70, and the balance to
the creJit of tho "Sinking Fund" was $4,675.18, making the total
cash balance available to the Treasury for all purposes at the end of
the fiscal year amount to the aggregate of $1,063,324.21.