Comptroller of the Treasury,
Annapolis, January 6th, 1875.
To His Excellency, James B. Groome,
Governor of Maryland:
It becomes my duty under the laws of the State, to transmit
to your Excellency a report of the operations of the Treasury
Department, for the fiscal year, ended 30th September, 1874.
The total receipts into the Treasury from all sources during
the fiscal year, amounted to $2,357,202.72, and the balance in
the Treasury 30th September, 1873, was $4:84,810.22, making
the aggregate amount in the Treasury during the fiscal year
Of the amount received during the fiscal year, $125,000.00
was on account of the sale of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan
issued in pursuance of chapter 42, of 1874:, and the sum of
$268,697.50 was received from the sale of $261,000 Maryland
Defence Loan, issued by the Treasurer, under the Act of 1868,
chapter 235, leaving the receipts from ordinary sources during
the fiscal year 1874, to be $1,963,605.22. This sum is larger
than the amount received from the same sources in 1873, by
the sum of $14:9,256.26, and exceeds the amount received from
ordinary sources, in any year since the Baltimore and Ohio
Bail Road Company ceased paying the one-fifth of its receipts
from passengers on the Washington Branch.