STATEMENT A—Continued.
Brought forward, ..............
Prom Live Stock Scales in City of Baltimore, .....
$10,430 85
" Maryland Defence Loan, ........ .........
173,587 15
170,000 00
" Road Stock for Dividends, ...............
70,410 50
" State Wharves in City of Baltimore, ........
1,191 12
" States' Agent for the Payment of the Public
Debt, .................................
5,855 28
" Seals and Taxes in Chancery, ....... .....
13 63
" Special Appropriation — a Re-payment of Ap-
propriation under- Chapter 89 of 1861, . . .
350 00
" Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Com-
panies, ...............................
80,000 00
" Taxes, Direct and Specific, . ..............
505,280 10
" Tax on State, Balto, City and other Stocks, .
50,635 99
" Tax on protests, ..........................
" ' " Policies of Insurance, ..............
2,768 24
11 00
" " Incorporated Institutions, ..........
39,688 27
" " Plaintiffs, ........................
" " Commissions of Trustees and Receiv-
6,581 76
" " Civil Commissions, ...............
2,840 20
" " Commissions to Executors and Ad-
ministrators, ...................
38,859 53
31,981 76
'' Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore, ..........
35,718 02
$1,823,563 87
Balance in the Treasury 30th September, 1861, ....
170,044 42
$1,993,608 29
Total Receipts during the year ended 30th Septem-
ber, 1862....................................
$1,823,563 87
Of these receipts the sum of $405,225.08, was re-
ceived from revenue which accrued before the
Fiscal Year of 1862, viz :
From Auction Duties, ..........................
875 63
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company,
Capitation Tax, ........................
39,917 94
" Pines and Forfeitures,....................
1,850 65
" Live Stock Scales, ........................
493 12
'' Land Office, ..............................
99 81
'' Licenses to Auctioneers, Baltimore City, ....
2,600 00
" County Auctioneers
47 03
" Agents' of Foreign Insurance Co' 8 .
2,700 00
" Billiard Table,.................
202 43
" Exhibition....................
659 60
" Hawkers and Pedlers licenses
135 50
' Marriages,...................
1,224 19
" Ordinary.............
4,513 96
" Oyster House
1,323 10
" Traders........................
7,277 76
" Northern Central Railway........
80,000 00
" State Hay Scales, .........................
110 83
" Seals and Taxes, .........................
13 63
Carried Forward