A Statement showing the Total Receipts into the Treasury, in
the Fiscal Year 'ended 30th September, 1862, to have been
$1,823,563 87 ; which added to the balance in the Treasury,
as of 30th September, 1861, will make the aggregate in the
Treasury, during the Fiscal Year $1,993,608 29.
There was received into the Treasury in the year
ended 30th Sept. 1862, the sum of $1,823,563 87
on the following accounts, viz :
From Auction Duties, ..........................
$4,437 47
" Auctioneer's Licenses........................
4,950 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for
one-fifth of the receipts from passengers
on the Washington Branch, .............
199,701 94
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for
interest on Divi'd Bonds, Nos. 571 and 141,
12,790 80
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for
Interest on the Sterling Bonds converted
into Currency, . .......................
41,866 00
" Bank Stock — for dividends, ... ............
29,925 30
" Fines and Forfeitures, .....................
2,553 29
" Grain Inspections, .......................
5,370 34
'' Hay Scales in Baltimore, ..................
1,441 51
" Interest on personal Accounts, ............
7,790 67
' ' Hagerstown Bank,' Stock redeemed, .........
5,000 00
" Land Office,..................... ........
481 29
'' Licenses to Agents of Foreign Insurance Co's.
10,400 00
" Billiard Table, .. ; . ............
1,950 53
'' Brokers..................
4,193 56
" Exhibition, ...............
3,533 54
'' Inspectors and Guagers, ........
2,104 93
'' Hawkers and Pedlars, ...........
3,738 60
" Marriage, ................
13,904 40
" Non-Resident,.............
297 00
" Ordinary
26,211 74
" Oyster House, ................
74,566 10
" Race and Fishery, ...........
10 93
' ' Traders, .......................
112,530 85
" Traders' Liquor, ...............
24,845 47
' ' To County Auctioneers, .........
68 40
" Wood Hucksters
1,782 00
Carried forward,...............