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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1861
Volume 225, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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The probable demands upon the Treasury for the Fiscal Year
as estimated by the Comptroller.

For Salaries of the following Civil Officers, viz:


The Governor of Maryland.............................

3,600 00


" Secretary of State.................................

1,000 00


" Private Secretary of the Governor.............

800 00


" Comptroller of the Treasury.....................

2,500 00


" Treasurer of Maryland.............................

2,500 00


" Commissioner of the Land Office...............

200 00


" " under ch. 23 of 1841............

50 00


" Librarian.............................................

1,000 00


" " for compensation under Res. No. 12


of 1833.................................

75 00


" Judiciary, including Special Judges and the


State's subscription to Maryland Reports

43,000 00


" Clerks to the Comptroller........................

1,900 00


" Clerk to the Treasurer............................

1,200 00


" State Agricultural Chemist......................

2,000 00


" Commissioners of Public Works................

800 00


" Secretary of the Senate............................

300 00


" Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates.........

300 00


" State Reporter.......................................

500 00


61,725 00,

For the following Miscellaneous Expenses:


" House of Refuge.....................................

10,000 00


" Home of the Friendless............................

5,000 00


" Night Watchmen to Public Buildings and



840 00


" Hospital for the Insane............................

25,832 00


" Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds....

350 00


" Keeper of Public Grounds and Buildings....

360 00


" Maryland Institute for the promotion of Me-


chanic Arts........................................

500 00


' ' Appeal Tax Court and City Register..........

450 00


" Printing Licenses for Comptroller's Office...

1,200 00


" .' " Comptroller's Report..................

600 00


" Keeper of the Public Records....................

1,000 00


" Distribution of Maryland Reports..............

50 00


46,182 00

For the following Contingent Expenses:


" Legislature...........................................

75,000 00


" Executive Contingent Fund......................

6.000 00


" Library Contingent Fund........................

1,300 00


" Fuel and Lights.....................................

1,000 00


" Contingent Fund of the Treasury Depart-



1,000 00


1 ' Donations to Colleges, Academies & Schools

23,069 00


" Free Schools, inclusive for instruction of the



34,500 00


" Education of Deaf and Dumb...................

3,500 00


" Augmentation of the Library...................

500 00


" Blind Asylum.......................................

4,000 00


" Pensions .......................................

5,000 00


'' Maryland Penitentiary, for Officers' salaries

8,000 00


" Commissions to Attorneys........................

5,000 00


" Militia.................................................

1,600 00


Carried forward..............................




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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1861
Volume 225, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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