Estimate of the probable Receipts in the current Fiscal Year,
by virtue of subsisting laws, by the Comptroller.
From Auction Duties...........................................................
10,000 00
" Auctioneers' Licenses...................................................
6,000 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, for one-fifth of the
receipts on Passengers over Washington Branch road...
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, for interest on ster-
75,000 00
ling bonds converted, ...............................................
36,300 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, for interest on divi-
dend bonds Nos. 141 and 57l.....................................
30,000 00
" Bank Stocks— for dividends...........................................
36,500 00
" Excess of Officers' Fees..................................................
10,000 00
" Fines and Forfeitures...................................................
1,500 00
" Hay Scales in Baltimore................................................
1,000 00
" Interest on Personal Accounts, ......................................
2,000 00
" Licenses from Clerks of Courts.......................................
280,000 00
" " Agents of Foreign Corporations...................
16,000 00
" Land Office — for Escheat and Vacant Lands......................
1,000 00
" Live Stock Scales in Baltimore.....................................
8,000 00
" Road Stock — for dividends.............................................
90,000 00
" State's Wharves in Baltimore........................................
3,000 00
' Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Companies.................
70, 000 00
' Tax on Collateral Inheritances.......................................
25,000 00
' " Commissions of Executors and Administrators........
40,000 00
' " Protests .......................................................
2,500 00
" State, Baltimore City, and Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road Bonds ..................................................
21,000 00
" " Incorporated Institutions.....................................
15,000 00
" Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore....................................
25,000 00
" Northern Central Railway.............................................
90,000 00
" Union Manufacturing Company......................................
200 00
" Taxes, Direct and Specific..............................................
230,000 00
'' State's Agent for paying Interest on Public Debt...............
5, 855 28
$1,130,855 28