Brought forward............................
From Tax on State, Baltimore City, and other
Stocks .........................................
22,571 72
" " Incorporated Institutions.................
20,379 16
" Livestock Scales in Baltimore City..............
5,154 13
" Licenses to Agents of Foreign Corporations ...
14,400 00
" Laud Office..............................................
745 5£
" Northern Central Railway..........................
58,296 67
" Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Compa-
58,000 00
" Manure Inspections....................................
14 44
' State Wharves in Baltimore City..................
2,324 80
1 Road Stock — for Dividends.........................
91,341 00
' Tax on Protests........................................
3,806 00
' Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore.................
7,457 25
' Taxes — Direct and Specific..........................
219,638 97
960,813 08
Balance in the Treasury 30th September, 1860.....
255,587 75
$1,216,400 83
Total receipts during the year ended 30th Septem-
ber, 1861..................................................
$960,813 08
Of these receipts the sum of$141,161 30 was re-
ceived from revenue which accrued before the year
1861, viz:
From Taxes, Direct and Specific...........................
125,815 67
" Tax on Civil Commissions ..........................
111 90
" " Collateral Inheritances ...................
1,149 61
" Ordinary Licences....................................
356 76
" Fines and Forfeitures.................................
132 77
" Marriage Licenses.....................................
402 99
" Traders' Licenses......................................
2,276 25
" Tax on Commissions to Executors and Admin-
1,322 69
" Exhibition Licenses...................................
80 50
" Oyster House Licenses................................
50 50
" Tax on Plaintiffs,......................................
106 50
" Race and Fishery Licenses...........................
22 50
" Brokers' Licenses......................................
150 00
" Hawkers' and Pedlars' Licenses...................
49 50
" Tax on Incorporated Institutions..................
9,133 16
141,161 30
And the amount thereof being deducted from the re-
ceipts of the year, shows the revenue which accrued
and was received to have been..........................
$819,651 78