A Statement showing the Total Receipts into the Treasury, in
the Fiscal Year ended 30th September, 1861, to have been
$960,813 08 ; which, added to the balance in the Treasury,
as of 30th September, 1860, will make the aggregate in the
Treasury, during the Fiscal Year, $1,216,400 83.
There was received into the Treasury, in the year en-
ded 30th September, 1861, the sum of $960,813 08,
on the following accounts, viz :
From Auction Duties.........................................
$4,884 93
" Auctioneers' Licenses.................................
2,850 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for one-
fifth of the receipts from passengers on Wash-
ington Branch Road...............................
40,936 77
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for interest on
Dividend Bonds Nos. 141 and 571.............
31,452 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for interest on
Sterling Bonds.....................................
36,300 00
" Bank Stock — for dividend.....................
36,393 64
" Excess of Fees over and above the sum limited
by tho Constitution and Maryland Code
Public General Laws..............................
5,555 94
" Fines and Forfeitures.................................
255 63
" Grain Inspections.....................................
4,143 10
" Hay Scales in Baltimore ............................
G08 69
" Interest on Personal Accounts ....................
1,420 10
" inspectors and Guagers' Licenses..................
2,220 08
" Billiard Table Licenses...............................
1,219 09
" Non Resident Licenses................................
1,482 52
'' Brokers' Licenses.....................................
4,366 34
" Wood Huckster Licenses............................
689 54
" Marriage Licenses......................................
13,423 37
" Traders' Licenses......................................
115,373 27
" Ordinary Licenses.....................................
15,280 16
" Oyster House Licenses................................
62,194 15
" Hawkers' and Pedlars' Licenses...................
3,318 54
" Race and Fishery Licenses..........................
32 95
" Exhibition Licenses...................................
2,536 03
" Tax on Commissions to Executors and Admin-
39,265 05
" " Collateral Inheritances....................
24,519 32
'' " Commissions to Trustees and Receiv-
5,417 52
Plaintiffs .....................................
107 93
" '' Civil Commissions..........................
146 10
Carried forward.........................