$321,336.75, of which sum $126,224.78, was surplus revenue
The whole amount of the receipts were invested for the
use of this Fund.
At the close of the preceding fiscal year the Sinking Fund
amounted to $3,676,065.35, and it was increased during the
year, by the purchase of stock amounting to $338,704.92, to
$4,014,770.27. But $17,493.83 of. 6 per cent, stock .created
by. chapter 350 of 1835 was cancelled in the year, and this
sum being deducted, leaves the Sinking Fund on the 30th of
September, 1857, $3,997,276.44, being a nett increase of
$321,211.09 during the fiscal year.
STATEMENT F, shows the character and amount. of the
Stocks purchased for the Sinking Fund, from the 30th of
September, 1856, to the 30th of September, 1857.
By an examination of this Statement in connection with
STATEMENT E, before referred to, it will appear that the sum
of $321,336.75, only was expended in the purchase of stock,
amounting to $338,704.92, thus saving to the State $17,368.17.
The control and management of the Sinking Fund is by
law entrusted to the Treasurer, and its prosperous condition
demonstrates the prudence, faithfulness, and ability of the
distinguished gentleman to whom this responsible trust is at
present, confided, and affords unquestionable evidence, that, it
could not be committed to more skillful and experienced
STATEMENT I, is "of the State's Capital and Credits as of
the 30th September, 1857," amounting in the aggregate,
as a reference will show, to $22,450,670.23, of which, how-
ever, only $8,058.964.94 are rated as productive.
STATEMENT J. This is.a Statement "of Funded Debts
contracted By the State, as of 30th of September, 1857," at
which time there appears to have been $14,919,967.39.
STATEMENT H, of the Appendix, shows the assessed valua-
tion of; Real and Personal Property in the State, with the
amount of Levy thereon, in each County and the City of Bal-
timore, for the year 1857.