Report of 1856, that they had a right to retain the amount
of the tax paid for their commissions, but finally yielded to
the Comptroller's view of the subject so far as to make pay-
ment under protest.
The attention of the Legislature is invited to this subject,
and the passage of a general law recommended, which shall
embrace in its provisions all officers intended to be reached by
the Tenth Article of the Constitution, compelling them under
penalties to make reports of the emoluments of their offices to
the Comptroller, and conferring upon that officer powers and
duties similar to those conferred by the Act of 1853, chapter
444, relative to Clerks and Registers.
The State'sclaim against the Federal Government of the
United States, for money advanced and for interest oh loans
contracted by her in the prosecution of the late war with
England, has at length been settled.
The sum, received, into the Treasury on this, account was
$275,770.23, upon which the agents appointed to prosecute
the claim, on behalf of the State, received a commission of
ten per cent.
By Resolution 38 of 1825, "the sum or sums which may
be received from the Government of the United States, for in-
terest; upon the money advanced by the State of Maryland,
during the late war, for the use and benefit of the United
States, shall constitute a fund for the establishment and, sup-
port,of Common. Free Schools." The amount, thus devoted
to the use of Free Schools, as ascertained by the Treasurer,
is $160,929.26, the proper application of which will be a sub-
ject of Legislative consideration.
The Comptroller has complied with the joint Resolution,
No. 10. of 1856, in relation, to the amount due the estate of
the late William Fitzhugh, of Calvert county, under and by
virtue of Resolution No. 10. of the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland, passed at November session, in the year