The receipts from Auction Duties appear in TABLE No. 4,
and amounts, for the fiscal year, to $16,232 84.
The proceeds from these Duties are placed to the credit of
the City of Baltimore under chapter 266 of 1853, for the
Deepening of a Channel in the Chesapeake Bay.
In accordance with the requirements of the Act just men-
tioned, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, on the 24th
of January, 1857, reported to the Comptroller a fair and dis-
tinct account of their disbursements in relation to the.deep-
ening and improving of the said channel, which report is
herewith presented to your Honorable Body.
TABLE No. 4, of the Appendix, also shows the receipts from
Auctioneers' Licenses during the year, which were $5,600,
being $2,700 less than they were in 1856. This is accounted
for by the large reduction which was made in the price of
these Licenses by the Legislature at its session of 1856.
The State's proportion of the receipts, from the Washing-
ton Branch of this Road, in the fiscal year, amounted-to.
$76,038.16, being an increase of $2,979.08 over 1856, and,of
$8,065.77 compared with 1855.
During the same period the State received from this Com-
pany, for dividends, $90,636, being $23,321 more than was
received on the same account in the preceding fiscal year.
TABLES.No. 17, shows that there was due the State from
these Companies, for the year, the sum of $67,000.00, upon
which they paid into the Treasury $40;559.70, leaving a
balance against them of $26,539.30. They state, with much
confidence that they will be able to discharge their liabilities
during the coming Spring.
The amount of arrears of interest which the State was en-
titled to have refunded, so long a subject of difference, has been