No. 6. An Act supplemental to Chapter 216 of the Acts of 1900
entitled "An Act to provide for Water Works at Hyattsville,
Prince George's County, and maintenance of the same,"
approved on the seventh day of April, 1900, to make correc-
tions therein, to ratify an election thereunder, and to provide
for the issue of bonds by the Mayor and Common Council of
Hyattsville............. ................................................................
No. 7. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the addi-
tional expenses of the Legislature of Maryland for the extra-
ordinary session of nineteen hundred and one......... ...... .........
No. 8. An Act to repeal Sections 657 and 211 of the Acts of 1898,
Chapter 123, entitled "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Charter,"
and to enact in lieu of Section 657 three sections, to be known
as Sections 657, 657A and 6578, and to re-enact Section 211,
with amendments......... ............ ...........................................
No. 9. An Act to enable the Governor of the State of Maryland
to obtain such copies of the population returns of the twelfth
census of the United States as he may deem necessary, and
making provisions for the payment of the expense of same....
No. 10. An Act to add a new section to Article 33 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Elections," sub-title "Miscellan-
eous Provisions," to come after Section 117, and to be known
as Section 117A relating to the subdivisions of election dis-
tricts and election precincts......... ..........................................
No. 11. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the electors
of President and Vice-President of the United States in and
for the State of Maryland, their officers and attendants..........
No. 12. An Act to appropriate the sum of twenty-five thousand
dollars for the joint use of the Commissioners appointed by
the Governor to represent the State of Maryland at the South
Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition, to be held at
Charleston, South Carolina, and the Pan-American Exposition,
to be held at Buffalo, New York...... .....................................
No. 13. An Act to repeal Sections 112, 112A and 112B of Article
2 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel
County," sub-title "County Commissioners," as the same were
enacted by Chapter 442, Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, session of 1892, and to re-enact said Sections 112
and 11A with amendments, and to repeal and re enact with
amendments Sections 113 of Article 2 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," sub-title "County
Commissioners," as the same was repealed and re-enacted
with amendments by Chapter 515 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, session of 1894, said section, as
amended, fixing the number and compensation of the County
Commissioners for Anne Arundel county and providing the
time when the terms of all the present County Commissioners
of Anne Arundel County shall cease and determine....... ......