shall add to their signatures their respective places of resi-
dence, their business and business address, and acknowledge
the same before an officer duly authorized to take acknowl-
edgments, who shall append a certificate of such acknowledg-
ment thereto. If the nomination is by means of a primary
election the certificate shall be signed and acknowledged by
the person or persons whose duty it may be, by party usage,
to declare the result of such election in the manner prescribed
for a nomination by a convention, but no party emblem or
device of any kind shall be added to said certificate, and if
any such emblem or device should be added it shall not be
printed upon the ballot by the Boards of Supervisors of Elec-
No party em-
blem on cer-
tificates o r
270QQ It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors of
Elections to provide ballots for every election for public officers
held under this Article, in which any voters within said city
shall participate, and cause to be printed on the ballot the
names of every candidate whose name has been certified to or
filed with the proper officers in the manner herein provided
by such political party, organization or body of individuals;
but the said supervisors shall not be required to print any
name upon a ballot if such name shall not have been certified
to them at least six days before election day. Each ballot
shall contain a statement of every question to be submitted
to the vote of the people at any election. Ballots other than
those printed by the Board of Supervisors of Elections, accord-
ing to the provisions of this Article, shall not be cast or
counted in any election except as hereinafter provided.
Nothing in this Article contained shall prevent any voter from
writing on his ballot and marking in the proper place the
name of any person other than those already printed, for whom
he may desire to vote for any office, and such votes shall be
counted the same as if the name of such person had been
printed upon the ballot and marked by the voter. Any voter
Duties and
powers of
may take with him into the polling place any written or
printed memorandum or paper to assist him in marking or
preparing his ballot, except a fac-simile of the ballot to be
voted. Ballots shall be printed and in possession of the
Supervisors of Elections at least four days before election day,
and a correct list of the names of the candidates thereon,
with the "designation of the offices for which the persons
named thereon are candidates, shall be furnished on demand
by the supervisors to the candidates or their authorized
agents. If any mistake be discovered it shall be the duty of
No fac-simile
ballot per-
mitted in
polling place