venience of the voters to subdivide any of said election dis-
tricts or election precincts having a number of voters in excess
of six hundred, they are hereby empowered and authorized to
make such subdivisions and to establish the Boundaries of such
subdivisions in such way as to facilitate and expedite the cast-
ing of their ballots by the voters thereof, either by a designa-
tion of an entirely new and different polling place, or by provid-
ing for two separate polling places at or near the former polling
place. Whenever, in the exercise of the discretion conferred
upon the several Boards of Supervisors of Elections by this
section they shall subdivide any election district or election
precinct, they shall appoint officers of registration and judges
and clerks of election therefor, as in this Article provided,
who shall have all the powers, perform all the duties, be sub-
ject to all the responsibilities and be liable to all the penalties
prescribed in this Article for officers of registration, judges
and clerks of election. All the members of the Boards of
Supervisors for the several counties whenever any such dis-
trict or precinct is divided, as herein provided, sign their
names to the books which contain the names copied from the
must certify
to names in
new books.
New boun -
daries must
be advertised
original books for such new district or precinct in the hands of
said Supervisors, and shall duly certify that said new books
contain all the names of the persons entitled to vote in such
newly established district or precinct, such said certificate
shall appear on the blank line next following the last name in
each letter of the alphabetical list of names in the new books
so transcribed, and such said certificates shall be attested by
the clerk to the respective Boards of Supervisors. Said Boards
of Supervisors shall furnish to the officers of registration and
judges of election, appointed by them for such new additional
voting precincts, full and complete sets of registry books con-
taining the names of all voters already registered, duly and
properly arranged for such additional voting precincts and for
the entering upon such registry books persons entitled to be
newly registered thereon; the cost of such subdivision and
preparation of proper registry books shall be paid by the
County Commissioners of the counties in which such subdi-
visions shall be made upon proper requisition and vouchers
presented by the Boards of Supervisors of Elections.
The boundaries of said additional precincts established
under this section shall be made known by advertisement in
two newspapers in said counties once a week for three suc-
cessive weeks before the first day of September in each year
in which such subdivision is made; said newspapers to be
designated as provided in other cases under this Article where