MAGISTRATES COURTS— And in all actions of
trover, to the same amount,
And also in actions of assault and bat-
tery, to the same amount,
Provided, the defendant at the time re-
sides within the district, or does not re-
side in the State,
Either party may within sixty days ap-
peal from the decision of the district court
to the next county court,
Or if given within ten days of the sit-
ting of such county court, then to the se-
cond term of said court,
Bond and security required upon such
The county court then required to try
the case de novo,
Either party entitled to a jury,
The district justices in all cases of ap-
peal, &c. shall transmit all the papers
and proceedings in the case to the county
court, on or before the first day of the
term, under a penalty of $20,
Persons sued out of the district in
which they reside, may plead non resi-
dence, and on proof, the court shall give
judgment for defendant,
Such defendant in case of a verdict in
the county court, may deduct the costs
below, from the amount of the said ver-
And if the costs have exceeded that of
the verdict, may recover the balance.
No plaintiff shall he nonsuited, &c.,
where his debt, &c has been reduced be-
low $100, by account in bar, &c.,
The justice first named in each elec-
tion district shall be chief judge and the
others in gradation.
Two justices shall constitute a court,
Any one of the justices may issue pro-
cess by copias, summons, or attachment
Ac. out of court &c.