SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Collector
CHAP. 75
shall annually settle his account with the said Levy
Collector to settle
Court, for the moneys which he may have collected
under the provisions of this act, and pay over to the
said Levy Court any surplus remaining in his hands,
which surplus, if any, shall Be applied to comity uses.
An act to authorise Samuel Latimore, of Charles county,
Passed Feb. 24, 1836
to bring into this State a negro slave therein named.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Admission panted
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall
and may be lawful for Samuel Latimore, of Charles
county, to bring into this State from the State of Vir-
ginia, a negro man named Moses, aged fifty-three
years, the slave of the said Latimore; Provided, the
said Latimore shall in all respects comply with the
fourth section of the act of eighteen hundred and thirty
one, chapter three hundred and twenty-three, and also
with the provisions of the act of eighteen hundred and
thirty-three chapter eighty-seven.
An act for the speedy trial of Misdemeanors in the City
Passed Feb. 18, 1836
of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General
Assembly, that owing to the great increase of business
in Baltimore City Court, the Judges thereof have found
it expedient to hold weekly sessions during the inter-
vals of their regular terms, for hearing Cases that do
not require the intervention of a Grand Jury, and that
it would be a saving of much expense to the city, as
well as afford relief to persons charged with the com-
mission of small offences, and also to witnesses who are
mostly of the poorer class of the community, if said
persons so charged had the option of having their cases