pay to Jane Miles, widow of Joshua Miles, an officer of the revolution, or her order, the half pay of a cap-tain, during her natural life, in consideration of the services of her late husband; and be it further resolved, that resolution, number ninety-three, is hereby rescinded, except so far as that her half pay shall commence at the. date of resolution, number ninety-three.
No. 118.
Passed June 4 1836.
Resolution in favor of Ann Mudd.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the Western Shore of Maryland, pay to Ann Mudd, widow of Bennett Mudd, late a Sergeant in the revolutionary war, in quarterly payments, a sum equal to the half pay of a Sergeant, during her natural life, in consideration of the services of her said husband, in the said revolution.
No. 119.
Passed June 4
Resolution authorising the Treasurer of the Western Shore to negotiate a loan to meet the current expenses of the present year.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he hereby is authorised to negotiate on the faith of the State, a temporary loan or loans for such sum or sums of mo-ney as he may find necessary to meet the demands upon the Treasury during the current year, not exceeding in the whole fifty thousand dollars. Resolved, That the treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to distribute to the several counties in this State, the whole proceeds of the tax of twenty cents on every hundred dollars of the capital stock of the several banks whose charters were, by the act of December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, extended to the 1st of January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, and again further extended by the act of Decem-