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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 726   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 38.


Passed Mar. 8, 1836

Resolution in favor of the Patapsco Female Institute


Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to the trustees


of the Patapsco Female Institute, the sum of eight


hundred dollars annually, for the purpose of accom-


plishing the designs of the said institution, so that the


same liberality of the State of Maryland, towards the


encouragement of Education, be extended to Anne


Arundel county, which has been enjoyed by every other


county in the State, since the passage of the thirty-


fourth resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland,


of December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one.


Resolved, That the said trustees cause to be educated


in the said institution, in the different branches of edu-


cation taught therein, one scholar for every hundred


dollars annually received from the State, which said


free scholars shall he selected from the poor children


of Anne Arundel county, by the Orphans' Court there-


of, with the approbation of said trustees; due regard


being had to the pecuniary circumstances of the per-


sons so selected.


Resolved, That the said trustees shall be, and are


hereby required to comply with the requisitions of the


act of eighteen hundred and twenty-three, chapter one


hundred and forty-one, in the same manner that other


academies receiving donations from the State are now




No. 39.

Passed February 24

Resolution in favor of William W. Stevens and David




Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That


the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to William W.


Stevens and David Stevens, executors of Levi Stevens,


or to their order, twenty-eight dollars and thirty-three


cents, being for eight months and fifteen days pension


due to the said Levi at the time of his death, on the

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 726   View pdf image (33K)
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