suitable ornaments and devices, and present in the
name of Iris native State to Captain John A. Webster,
for his gallant defence of the battery committed to his
charge, during the memorable attack against the city
of Baltimore, September the twelfth, eighteen hundred
and fourteen.
No. 4.
Passed Jan 28,1 8 3
Resolution in favor of Saint Peter's Free School, in
the City of Baltimore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the trustees of Saint Peter's Free School, in Baltimore,
be, and they are hereby released, exonerated and dis-
charged from the debt due by them to the State, for
monies advanced them by virtue of resolution, number
fifty -five; of November session, eighteen hundred and
No. 5.
Passed January 29
Resolution in favour of the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals, for the Western Shore.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the clerk of the Court of Appeals for the Wes-
tern Shore, be furnished by the Executive, with four
copies of the laws and resolutions of the Legislature of
this State, which may be passed at this present session,
and the same number from year to year hereafter, to
he kept by the said clerk for the use of the court.
And be it further resolved, That the survey or of each
county he furnished by the, Executive with one copy of
the laws and resolutions aforesaid, that may be pass-
ed at the present session, and with one copy from year
to year hereafter of the laws and resolutions of the fu-
ture sessions of the General Assembly.