done by such connection of the rail road of said com-
CHAP. 366.
pany; and that the said company shall transport on
their said rail road, upon any railway connected or
which may be connected therewith, at the rate of one
cent a ton per mile on all goods, merchandize or pro-
perty of any discription whatever, transported on said
rail road or any lateral way which they may construct,
and also not exceeding two cents per mile for each
passenger transported on said rail road; Provided al-
ways, that when any car shall he placed on said rail
road it be adapted in size and all necessary particulars
to said rail road; And provided further, that the Le-
Right reserved
gislature of this State, may at any time hereafter, re-
gulate, modify or change the control, use and estate of
so much of the said rail road as shall be constructed
under the authority hereby given, and be situate from
Braddock's run through the gorge of the mountains,
to the basin on the canal of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal Company, at or near Cumberland, in such man-
ner as it may deem equitable towards the said compa-
ny, and necessary to the accommodation of the public
travel or use of the said rail road.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all such parts of
Right reserved after
this act as relates to the establishment, working or
30 years
carrying on of mills, mines or manufactories may be
modified or repealed by the Legislature of this State
at any time after thirty years from the passage of this
An act relating to the jurisdiction and powers now vest-
Passed April 2, 1836
ed in Justices of the Peace, for the City of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Executive to ap-
Maryland, That on or after the first day of May next,
point 15 Alder-men
and every year thereafter, the Governor and Council
be and they are hereby directed in place of the justices
of the peace now authorised to be appointed for the
city of Baltimore, to appoint and commission fifteen
persons, residents of said city for at least two years