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to the business and property aforesaid; Provided, that
Limit of estate
the said company shall at no time hold or possess more
than one thousand acres of land, exclusive of the lands
and mines that were commonly used and employed
with the forges, rolling mills and other improvements,
with their appurtenances, whether in Baltimore or
Ridgely works
Harford counties, and of which Charles Ridgely, of
Hampton, died seized and possessed, and also exclu-
sive of the quantity which may be occupied as the bed
of any road or roads which it may he found necessary
General powers
to construct; and may for the purpose aforesaid, have
and exercise, except as restricted by this act, the right
to make by-laws, rules and regulations, and all the
rights and powers usually incident to corporations,
and generally all the rights, privileges and powers ne-
cessary to the objects of this act, and to the use, con-
trol and disposition of the property acquired by them,
and not repugnant to any law of this State, or of the
United States.
Capital stock
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company, shall consist of at least two thousand
shares, of one hundred dollars each, of which the lands
and mines, forges, rolling mills, other improvements
and their appurtenances, to the said David Ridgely,
Priscilla White and other devisees of the said Charles
Ridgely, of Hampton, belonging, may constitute apart,
at such price as may be fixed by the said David and
Priscilla, and approved by the Orphans' Court of Bal-
timore County, and shall be made known by the com-
missioners hereinafter mentioned, before any subscrip-
tion to the said capital stock shall be received by them
Increase of capital
from any person; and the president and directors of
said company shall have power to increase the said ca-
pital stock, from time to time, to such an amount as
may be found necessary or convenient for the objects
of this act; Provided, the amount of said capital stock
shall not at any time exceed five thousand shares, or
five hundred thousand dollars.
Commissioners to
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the subscriptions to
take stock
the capital stock of the said company, shall be receiv-
ed under the direction of James Howard, James Car-
roll, George Howard, Henry D. G Carroll, Henry B.