failed to do the same in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty-five; therefore, Be it enacted, That the levy court of
CHAP. 353.
Polly Jones
Worcester county, be and they are hereby authorised
and required at their next levy to levy on the assessable
property of said county, for the use of said Polly
Jones, thirty dollars, to be collected and paid as all
other county charges are collected and paid: and
whereas, at December Session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-four, an act was passed to authorise the levy
court of Prince George's county to levy a sum of money
Prince George's
for the support of Ann Henry, and her son Henry; and
whereas, it appears that. the Christian name of Henry in
said act should have been William, — Therefore;
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That hereafter the levy
Ann Henry, &c.
court of Pince George's county shall levy for the sup-
port of Ann Henry and her son William, instead of Ann
Henry and her son Henry.
An act to Incorporate the Ridgely Iron Company.
Passed May 25, 1836
SECTION 1. Be. it enacted by the General Assembly of
Persons incorpora-
Maryland, That David Ridgely and Priscilla White,
and all and every person or persons who shall become
associated witli them in the manner hereinafter pre-
scribed, shall be, and they are hereby incorporated, by
the name of the Ridgely Iron Company, and as such
shall have succession, and may have and use a common
seal, and be able and capable to sue and be sued, plead
or be impleaded, in any court of law or equity; and
may also have, use and enjoy all the powers, privileges
and rights, proper and necessary for carrying on the
manufacture of iron and other articles, and for opening,
working and transporting to market, and vending the
produce of their lands, mines and manufactories; and
shall have power to take, purchase and hold all such
property, real, personal or mixed, as they may require
for the purposes aforesaid, and shall have power to
make and enter into all manner of contracts, in relation