county, be, and they are hereby appointed commission-
CHAP. 345
lers for the purpose of building the said bridge, and
they or a majority of them are authorised and cm pow-
ered as soon as it may bo convenient, to cause the said
bridge to be built over the paid branch, at the fording
place called the Sleeper, of sound and good materials,
and to be built, in the best and most substantial man-
ner: and the said commiissioners are by this act fully
authorised and empowered to agree with a contractor
or contractors for the building of the said bridge, or
they may purchase materials, and hire workmen said
laborers, to build the same, as they in their discretion
may think best; and in either ease, the said bridge
shall be built and completed under the immediate direc-
tion and superintendance of the said commissioners or
a majority of them.
Case of vacancy
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if either of the said
commissioners should die or remove out of the county,
for which he is appointed commissioner, before the
bridge is completed, or shall refuse to art, the remain-
ing commissioners herein named, shall appoint some
other person residing in the county in which the vacan-
cy occurs, to act as commissioner, and the person so
appointed shall have the same power and authority as
if he had been originally appointed by this act.
Account required
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That after the said bridge
shall be completed, the said commissioners shall render
to the Levy court of their respective counties, a true,
full and fair account of their expenditures in building
the said bridge, and shall. pay to the said Levy courts
any balance that may remain in their hands unappro-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That each of the said com-
missioners shall receive the sum of two dollars per day,
for each and every day they shall be engaged in attend-
ing to the duties required of them by this act, to be le-
vied, collected and paid as other county charges are.