CHAP. 345.
Al act to provide for building a Bridge over the Long
Passed May j30,1836
Marsh Branch, at the place called the Sleeper.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to the General,
Assembly of Maryland, by the petition of sundry citi-
zens of Queen Ann's and Caroline counties, that it
would be to the mutual benefit and convenience of the
people of said counties, if a bridge was built ever the
Long Marsh Branch, at the place called the Sleeper:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Levy directed
Maryland, That the Levy Courts of Queen Ann's and
Caroline counties, be, and they are hereby authorised
and required to assess and levy the sum of one hundred
and fifty dollars, on the assessable property in each of
their respective counties, at the time of levying their
next county rates, together with the commissions for
collecting the same, which said assessment shall be
Payment over
made, levied, collected and paid to the commissioners
hereinafter appointed or to their order, as soon as
the same shall heroine payable in law, and in case the
collector shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, the
said commissioners shall have the same remedy for re-
covering the said sum as is prescribed by the act, enti-
tled, an act for the speedy recovery of monies levied or
received by sheriffs and collectors, passed at Novem-
ber session, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That John B. Thomas,
Commisioners to
and Joseph K. Cook, of Queen Anns' county, and
contract and
build, &c.
Joseph C. Talbot and Jacob W. Gibson, of Caroline