CHAP. 343.
hundred thousand dollars, at and after the rate of three
dollars and seventy-five cents on each one hundred
dollars thereof, and which bonus shall be paid on the
first day of January, next after such capital shall have
been received or increased by the said bank.
In force till 1360
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That this act be and
remain in full force until the first day of January,
1860, and the end of the next General Assembly there-
Passed Mar.22,1836
An act relating to Constables Bonds.
Bond required
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall
he lawful for the levy court or commissioners of the
several counties in this State, when taking bonds from
constables for the faithful purformance of their office,
to make said bonds extend to and embrace the money,
the said constable shall receive on judgments and for
all acts they shall respectively perform in virtue of
their office in the county for which they shall he ap-
Passed Mar.22,1836
An act to divorce John Dolan, of the city of Baltimore,
from his wife, Margaret Dolan.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That John Dolan, oi' the city of Baltimore,
he, and he is hereby divorced, a meusa et thoro, from
his wife, Margaret Dolan.
Claims annulled
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the said Margaret
Dolan, by virtue of her marriage with the said John
Dolan, shall not be authorised to have or claim any
right, title or interest in the estate, real, personal or
mixed, of the said John Dolan, that shall be acquired
by him after the passage of this act, nor shall the said
John Dolan be entitled in any manner, to have or claim