SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That at any time here-
after, the notes or issues of this corporation, common-
CHAP. 341.
Issues may be re-
ly called and known as bank notes, may be restricted
by the Legislature, to a denomination not less than
that of the notes or issues of any other incorporated
hank within the State, the lowest denomination of
whose notes shall be above five dollars.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That if all the capital
Coondition of open-
stock of the said bank shall not he subscribed upon the
ing books for stock, &c.
opening of the books by the commissioners, but enough
be taken to entitle the said bank to go into operation,
then the president and directors from time to time
shall cause books to be opened until the whole number
of shares shall be subscribed for.
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That on the first Mon-
20 cents on $100
day of January, subsequent to the organization of the
school tax
said bank and on the same day annually thereafter, the
said bank shall pay or cause to be paid to the Treasu-
rer of the Western Shore, of the State of Maryland,
the .sum of twenty cents on every hundred dollars of
the capital of said bank then actually paid in, whether
in money or real estate, to he applied by said treasu-
rer in augmentation of the free school fund of the State,
in the same manner as the. similar tax paid by the
other incorporated hanks in the city of Baltimore, is
now applied, and in case of the failure of said bank to
make such payment, for the space of six months after
the same shall have been payable, this charter shall be
forfeited and shall be deemed null and void.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the said corpora-
tion or the president and directors thereof, shall in
consideration of the corporate privilege hereby grant-
ed, pay to the State of Maryland, in addition to the
twenty cents on each one hundred dollars, as provided
for in the proceeding section, a bonus of eighteen thou-
sand seven hundred and fifty dollars, in three equal
annual payments, the first of said payments to be made
within thirty days after the said bank shall have gone
into operation, and a further bonus on the capital,
whether in money or real estate, which the said bank
shall at any time have over or above the sum of five