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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 611   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 341.

stockholders, for any purpose relative to the institu-


tion, giving at least four weeks' notice, in all the news-


papers in the city or county of Frederick; and any


number of stockholders not less than fifty, who to-


gether shall be proprietors of two thousand shares, may


at any time apply to the said president and directors


to call a general meeting of the stockholders, for any


purpose relative to the institution, and if the president


and directors shall refuse to call such meeting, the said

Stockholders may call

number of stockholders, proprietors of not less than


the aforesaid number of shares, shall have power to


call a general meeting of the stockholders, giving at


least sixty days' previous notice as aforesaid, and spe-


cifying in such notice, the object of such meeting, and

Duty of pres and

it is hereby made the duty of the president and direct-

directors to give a list

ors of said bank, at all times upon the application of


not less than twenty stockholders, being holders of not


less than one thousand shares, to give such stockhold-


ers a full Jist of the names of all the stockholders in


said bank.


ART. 12. Every cashier or treasurer, before he en-


ters upon the duties of his office, shall be required to


give bond, with two or more surities to the satisfaction


of the president and directors, in a sum not less than


fifty thousand dollars, with a condition for his good


behaviour, and every clerk, officer or servant of the


bank, shall give bond in such penalty and with such


security as the president and directors shall prescribe,


with condition for his good behaviour.

Kind of business

ART. 13. That the corporation shall not deal or


trade in any thing except bills of exchange, promissory


notes and bullion, or in the sale of goods which shall


be the produce of their lands, or of such goods and ef-


fects as shall have been bona fide pledged or mortga-


ged to it by way of security, or conveyed to it in satis-


faction of debts contracted in the course of its dealings


or purchased at sales upon judgments, which shall have


been obtained for such debts; provided however, that


nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent


the said corporation from making temporary invest-


ments of its funds, in purchase of the public debt of


the United States or any one of the United States, as


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 611   View pdf image (33K)
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