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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 610   View pdf image (33K)
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or within this State, or of the United States of Ameri-


CHAP. 341.



ART. 7. The president and seven directors shall


constitute a board for the transaction of business, but


ordinary discounts may be granted as shall he provi-


ded by the by-laws, and in case of sickness or neces-

President pro. tem.

sary absence of the president, his place may be sup-


plied by a director, whom he by writing under his


hand, shall nominate for the purpose.


ART. 8. But until the sum of forty thousand dollars

Sum to be sub-

in gold and silver coin shall have been paid to, and be


in the possession of the president and directors of said


hank, as part of its capital stock, and the same shall


have been certified to the treasurer of the Western


Shore of Maryland, by such persons as he shall appoint


to ascertain and report said facts, it shall not be law-


ful for the said president and directors to make any dis-


counts, nor to issue any note of said corporation.


ART. 9. Half yearly dividends shall be made to the


stockholders of so much of the nett profits of the bank,


as shall appear to the president and directors advisa-


ble, and if the directors shall at any time wilfully and

Individual liability

knowingly make or declare any dividend which shall


impair the capital stock, all the directors present at


the making or declaring such dividend, and consenting


thereto, shall be liable in their individual capacities to


the corporation, for the amount or proportion of the


said capital stock to divided by the directors, and each


director who shall be present at the making or declar-


ing of such dividend, shall be deemed to have consent-


ed thereto, unless he shall immediately enter his dis-


sent in writing, on the proceedings of the board, and


give public notice to the stockholders that such divi-


dend has been declared.


ART. 10. No director shall be entitled to receive any

Of emoluments of

emolument for his services, unless the same shall have


been allowed at a general meeting of the stockholders,


but the directors shall make such compensation to the

Compensation to

president for his extraordinary attendance at the bank,


as shall appear to them reasonable.


ART. 11. That the president and directors of this

Meeting of stocks.

bank, may at any time call a general meeting of its


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 610   View pdf image (33K)
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