individuals subscribing to the building of this Acade-
CHAP. 322. Subscriibers shall
my shall receive certificates of stock at the price here-
be members
inafter mentioned, and shall be entitled to vote the
Entitled to vote
ratio as hereinafter prescribed. Third, that every pa-
rent, guardian or master, who may send a scholar or
scholars to said Academy, shall be entitled to vote at
the annual election for trustees to said Academy.
First trustees
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Nicholas Lowe,
David Ridcnour, John D. Ridenour, Peter K. Zacha-
rias, Isaac Nesbitt, James I. Beatty and James R.
Ward, be, and they are hereby appointed the first
trustees of the said Academy, and the said trustees
and their successors, forever, to be elected in the man-
ner hereinafter mentioned shall be and they are hereby
declared to be one community, corporation and body
politic with perpetual succession in deed and in law,
to all intents and purposes, connected with the said in-
stitution, by the name and style of the Clearspring
Privileges granted
Academy; by which name and title, they and their
successors shall be competent and capable in law, and
in equity, to take and hold to themselves and their
successors for the use of the said Academy, any estate
in messuages, lands and tenements, annuities, goods,
chattels, monies, or effects, by the gift, grant or bar-
gain, sale, conveyance, devise or bequest of any per-
Estate limited
son or persons whatsoever; Provided, the same do not
exceed in the whole, the clear yearly value of two
thousand dollars; and the same messuages, lands and
tenements, and other estate, real or personal, to farm,
let, and put out on interest for the use of the said
Academy, in such manner as to them or a majority of
them shall seem most beneficial to the institution; and
to receive the rents, issues, profits, income and inter-
est of the same, and to apply the emoluments thereof
to the proper use and advancement of the said Acade-
Annual election of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That a board of trustees,
composed of seven person shall be elected on the first
Monday of May, eighteen hundred and thirty -six and
on the first Monday of May, in each and every year
thereafter forever, by all those who may be legally
entitled to vote at such election of trustees, not more