ty, be and he is hereby divorced from bed, board, and
CHAP. 44.
mutual co-habitation from his wife, Acenia Ford.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said William
Liabilities annul-
Ford shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter
contracted by the said Acenia Ford, nor shall she be
entitled to any property which he may hereafter ac-
quire, nor shall he be entitled to any property which
she may hereafter acquire.
An act to amend the Constitution and Form of Govern-
Passed Feb. 5, 1838
ment, so far as relates to the division of Allegany
county into Election Districts, and to establish an
additional Election District.
WHEREAS, itis represented to this General Assembly
by the petition of sundry citizens of Allegany county,
that their convenience would be greatly subserved by
the alteration and division of election district number
one, in said county, — Therefore:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Constitution amended
Maryland, That so much of the constitution of this
State, as relates to the division of Allegany county in-
to election districts, be and the same is hereby altered
and amended, so far as to authorise such alteration and
division of said district, number one, as may best suit
the convenience of the inhabitants thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Adam Gower, John
Commissioners named to alter
Hammond and Alexander Chisholm, or a majority of
and review
them, of Allegany county, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners, and authorised forthwith after
the confirmation of this act, to review said election dis-
trict, number one, in said county, and in their discre-
tion make such alteration and division as better to sub-
serve the convenience of the inhabitants of said district,
in said county, and the said commissioners shall make
a return of all their proceedings to Allegany county
court, to be there recorded at the expense of said coun-
Return— compen-sation, &c.
ty, and paid as county charges are levied and paid;
and the governor and council are hereby authorised