ing, and in case such notice shall not be given as afore-
said, or the inhabitants of such district when so notifi-
CHAP. 303
ed, shall neglect or refuse to assemble, or form a dis-
On failure to renew
trict meeting in pursuance of such notice, or in case
any district having been formed or organized in pur-
suance of such notice, shall in the opinion of the trus-
tees or trustee be dissolved by adjournment without
day, or from any other cause whatever, it shall and
may be lawful for the trustees aforesaid, or any one of
them, at any time, thereafter, to renew such notice, and
when so assembled in district meeting, it shall and
may be lawful for them, or a majority of such of them,
as shall be present at such meeting, to adjourn to any
Power to adjourn
other time or place, and at any such district meeting,
it shall and may be lawful for them, or a majority of
such of them, as may be present as aforesaid, to ad-
journ from time to time as occasion may require, to fix
on a time and place for holding their future annual
meetings, which meetings they are hereby authorised
and required to hold, to choose one district clerk to
Choose clerk
keep the records and proceedings of such meetings, al-
so three trustees to manage the concerns of such dis-
trict, and one district collector, also to designate a site
District collector Site of school
for their school house, to vote a tax on the taxable in-
habitants, residents and non-residents of such district,
as they, or a majority of such of them, as shall be pre-
sent as aforesaid, shall deem sufficient to purchase a
suitable site for the school house, and to build and
keep in repair such school house, and to purchase
hooks, stationery, fuel and other appentlages, and to
repeal, alter, regulate and modify all such proceedings,
or any part thereof, from time to time as occasion may
require, and it shall and may be lawful for the trus-
Power to call spe.
tees of any school districts or any one of them, to call
cial meetings
special meetings of the said inhabitants of such dis-
tricts whenever it may be deemed necessary, notice
thereof being given, at least six days before said meet-
ing, and the proceedings of any meeting called by the
Informal proceed-
trustee or trustees, or taxable inhabitants, shall not
be set aside, or deemed illegal for want of notice, or
for want of regular and formal adjournment in the
proceedings of any primary or other meeting of said