CHAP. 303.
the aggregate valuation of the real estate, and adding
the remaining two-thirds to the aggregate valuation of
the personal estate, shall assess and levy upon the
amount thus produced a certain rate or sum in every
hundred dollars, so as to produce the said sum of one
hundred and fifty dollars for each and every school
district in said county which shall have reported as
aforesaid, and in ascertaining the amount of each in-
dividual owner of property the same process shall be
observed, where real and personal property shall be
owned by the same individual, and where only person-
al estate is owned, the tax shall be laid upon the asses-
sed value of such estate according to the rate afore-
Commissioners and Inspectors' office
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the office of com-
missioners and inspectors of primary schools, in Kent
county, be, and the same is hereby abolished, and that
the trustees of primary schools in each election dis-
trict of said county, or a majority of them, are hereby
Trustees to be
constituted a board of commissioners, invested with
and empowered to exercise all the functions and duties
of commissioners and inspectors, except the examina-
tion of teachers, and that the trustees of each school
district shall have all the powers necessary to the ex-
amination, approval and employment of teachers, in
their respective school districts, which were given to
the commissioners and inspectors for that purpose, in
the original act to which this is a supplement.
Puty of trustees to call meetings
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the board of trustees in each election district, or any
one of the trustees in said election district, may exer-
cise the power, to call district meetings as soon as con
venient, in all the school districts in their respective
election districts, where schools have not been organ-
ized and carried into operation, to make notice in wri-
ting, describing such district, and appointing a time
and place for the said district meeting, notifying the
white male inhabitants, subject in any manner by this
or other laws to school tax or charge, residing in such
district as aforesaid, by public advertisement to be set
up in at least three of the most public places of said
district, at least six days before the time of such meet-