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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 378   View pdf image (33K)
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minutes of the proceedings of the board, and give

CHAP. 278

public notice to the stockholders, that such dividend


has been declared.


ART. 11. No director shall be entitled to receive

Emoluments to di-

any emoluments for his services, unless the same shall


have been allowed at a general meeting of the stock-


holders; and the directors shall make such compensa-


tion to the president, for his extraordinary attendance


at the bank, as shall appear to them reasonable.


ART. 12. The president and directors of said bank,

Meeting of stock-holders

may at any time call a general meeting of its stock-


holders, for any purpose relative to the institution,


giving at least four weeks notice in two or more daily


newspapers in the city of Baltimore; and any number


of stockholders not less than fifty, who together shall


be proprietors of five hundred shares, may at any time


apply to the said president and directors to call a ge-


neral meeting of the stockholders, for any purpose re-


lative to the institution, and if the president and direc-


tors shall refuse to call such meeting, the said number


of stockholders, proprietors of not less than the afore-


said number of shares, shall have power ta call a


general meeting of the stockholders, giving at least


sixty days notice in two or more daily newspapers,


in the city of Baltimore, and specifying in such notice


the objects of such meeting; and it is hereby made the


duty of the president and directors of said bank, upon


the application of not less than twenty stockholders,


being owners of five hundred shares, to give such


stockholders a full list of the names of all the stock-


holders in said bank.


ART. 13. Every cashier or treasurer, before he


enters upon the duties of his office, shall be required to


give bond with two or more sureties to the satisfaction


of the president and directors, in a sum not less than


twenty five thousand dollars, with a condition for his


good behaviour.


ART. 14. The lands, tenements and hereditaments,

Limit as to lands

which it shall be lawful for the said corporation to


hold, shall be only such as shall be requisite for its im-


mediate accommodation, in relation to the convenient


transacting of its business, and such as shall have been


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 378   View pdf image (33K)
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