CHAP. 278.
vided, nothing herein contained, shall be so construed
Interest on Depo-
as to confer the power upon the president and direct-
sites forbid
ors to pay interest upon monies deposited in said in-
Board for business
ART. 8. The president and twelve directors shall
constitute a board for the transaction of business, but
ordinary discounts may be granted as the by-laws may
President pro. tem
direct; and in case of sickness or necessary absence of
the president; his place may be supplied by a director,
whom he by writing, under his hand, shall nominate
for the purpose.
Capital required to
ART. 9. But until the sum of two hundred aud fifty
be paid in
thousand dollars, in gold and silver coin, shall be in
the possession of the president and directors of said
bank, as part of its capital stock, and the same shall
have been certified to the Treasurer of the Western-
Shore of Maryland, by such persons as he shall ap-
point to ascertain and report said facts, it shall not be
lawful for the said president and directors to issue any
note of said corporation; nor shall the president and
directors of said bank in their corporate capacity have
power to hold any part of the capital stock thereof,
nor make any loans on a pledge of said stock, or re-
ceive the same as collateral security, for money loaned
or advanced thereupon, except for bad or doubtful debts
previously contracted.
ART. 10. Half yearly dividends shall be made to
the stockholders of so much of the net profits of the
bank as shall appear to the president and directors
advisable, and such dividends shall be declared in the
months of June and December, and be paid in the
months of July and January; and if the directors shall
at any time wilfully and knowingly, make or declare
any dividend which shall impair the capital stock, all
the directors present at the making or declaring such
dividend, and consenting thereto, shall be liable in
their individual capacities to the corporation, for the
amount or proportion of the said capital stock so divi-
ded by the directors, and each director who shall be
present at the making or declaring of such dividend,
shall be deemed to have consented thereto, unless he
shall immediately enter his dissent, in writing, on the