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person or body politic shall be entitled to a greater
number than sixty votes, and no share or shares shall
confer a right of suffrage after the first election, which
shall not hare been holder four calendar months pre-
vious to the day of election; and stockholders actually
resident within the United States, and none other, may
vote at elections by proxy.
ART. 3. None but a stockholder, being a citizen of
this State, shall he eligible as a director or president,
and every president or director, as the case 'may be,
shall cease to be a director or president upon his ceas-
ing to be a citizen of this State or stockholder.
Eligibility of Di-
ART. 3. No director of any other bank, shall be at
the same time a director of this bank, and once in each
and every year the directors shall lay before the stock-
holders at a general meeting, for their information, an
exact and particular statement of the debts, which shall
have remained unpaid alter the expiration of the ori-
ginal credit, and the suplus profit, if any, after deduct-
ing losses and dividends.
Statement to Trea-
ART. 4. The Treasurer of the Western Shore for
surer W. Shore
the time being, shall be furnished once every year,
or ofteiier if required, with statements of the amount
of the capital stock of the, said corporation, and of the
debts due to and from the same, of the monies de-
posited therein, of the notes in circulation, of the cash
in hand, and of the profits made; and shall have a right
to inspect such general accounts in the books of the
bank, as shall relate to said statement, but nothing
herein contained shall be construed to imply a right of
inspecting the account of any private individual or in-
dividuals with the bank, nor shall such general state-
ment and power of inspection be used for any other pur-
pose, than to enable him to form, and when required, to
communicate to the Legislature a just opinion of the
state of the institution, with the grounds of such opin-
Limit to issue
AET, 5. The issues or notes, usually denominated
bank notes, which it shall he lawful for the said cor-
poration to issue, shall not at any time exceed the
amount of its capital stock actually paid in by the sub-