their proceedings, which shall at all times be open to
CHAP. 285.
the inspection of the stockholders.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the President and
Notice of meetings
Directors may call a general meeting of the stockhol-
ders, for any purpose relative to the institution, they
giving at least one month's notice of the same in two
or more newspapers in the city of Baltimore, and any
number of stockholders owning not less than five hun-
dred shares may at any time apply to the President
and Directors, to call a general meeting of the stock-
holders for any purpose relative to the institution, and
if the President and Directors should refuse to call
such meeting, the said stockholders, proprietors of not
less than the aforesaid number of shares, shall have
power to call a general meeting of the stockholders,
giving at least one month's notice in two or morenews-
papers published in the city of Baltimore, and speci-
fying in such notice the object or objects of such meet-
ing, and the resolutions of stockholders, owners of a
majority of all the shares of the company's capital
stock in a general meeting assembled, shall at all
times be binding on the company and their president
and directors, if not inconsistent with law and the
provisions of this act.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That each director and
Responsibility of
president who shall appear to have directed or assented
thereto, shall be personally liable for any losses, dc-
ficiences or failures arising from any fraudulent mis-
application of the funds of said corporation, contrary
to the provisions of this act.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the
corporation hereby intended to he created shall he at
all times subject to the inspecton of any committee
of either branch of the Legislature of this State or
of any officer of the State, who may be deputed by
either branch for that purpose.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That this act of incor-
poration be and the same is hereby made perpetual;
Provided nevertheless, that the Legislature hereby re-
serves to itself the power of altering, amending or re-
pealing any of its provisions, at any time after the
expiration of the year eighteen hundred and fifty six.