aforesaid road passes, and to collect and pay the same over to the person or persons who may be entitled to the same.
CHAP. 285.
An act to allow Mary Magruder, of Prince George's
Passed April 1, 1836
county, to bring into this State a negro woman there-
in named.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Authority to bring
That it shall and may be lawful for Mary Magruder,
of Prince George's counly, to bring into this State her
negro woman named Grace, about sixty years of age;
Provided, the said Mary Magruder, shall within thirty
days after she shall bring into this State the said ne-
gro woman Grace, make affidavit that the said negro
woman is a slave for life, and shall deposite said affi-
davit with the clerk of Prince George's county court,
to he by him recorded; And provided, the said Magru-
der shall pay, within thirty flays after she shall bring
the said negro woman into this State, the sum of five
dollars, to he by him paid over to the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, for the use and benefit of the coloniza-
tion society.
An act to incorporate the Globe Insurance Company of
Passed Mar. 30 1836
WHEREAS, the following named persons having
formed themselves into an association for the insurance
of vessels and merchandise, and the lending of money
on bottomry and respondentia. have prayed for a char-
ter ef incorporation: — Therefore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General .Assembly of
Persons incorpora-ted
Maryland, That Samuel Jones, Jr. Nathaniel F. Wil-
liams, William C. Shaw, James Frazier, Benjamin I.
Cohen, Robert A. Taylor, Thomas Whitridge, Wil-
liam G. Harrison, James I. Corner, John H. Hodges,