and inform themselves as to the, moral character, suffi-
CHAP 278.
ciency and competency of such candidates to teach
primary schools, and if upon such examination they
shall believe them to possess the necessary qualifica-
tions as above required, they shall certify the same in
writing under their hands, and deliver such certificate
to the person so examined as aforesaid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the boards of trus-
Election of trustees
tees, and clerks, of primary schools now constituted
& clerk
in the several school districts of said county, shall hold
their appointments until the next annual meeting of
the taxable inhabitants in said school districts, which
shall take place sometime in the month of December
next, and annually thereafter, for the purpose of elect-
ing by ballot the several trustees and clerks required
by the act to which this is a supplement, and it shall
Notice of meeting
be the duty of the clerks respectively to give at least
ten days previous notice of the time and place of hold-
ing such annual meetings to the taxable inhabitants in
their respective school districts, by advertisement set
up at three of the most public places in such district,
and it shall be the duty of the taxable inhabitants at
the annual meetings aforesaid to elect by ballot the
trustees and clerk for their respective school districts,
who shall hold their offices until the annual meeting of
such district, next following the time of their election,
and a new election shall have been made; and in case
such offices or any of them shall become vacant, by
death, resignation, or otherwise, and such vacancy,
shall not be supplied at a special or district meeting,
within one month thereafter, the commissioners for the
county, are required to supply such vacancy by the
appointment of any suitable person residing in such
school district, where such vacancy shall have occur-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall he the duty
Estimate of ex-
of the trustees of the several school districts in said
county, to make out an estimate in writing, under their
hands at their first meeting in each and every year, of
the sum required for the purchase of fuel, books and
stationery, necessary to supply the schools, whose con-
cerns they are called upon to manage, and cause return