Passed Mar. 28,1836
A supplement to an act, entitled, a supplement to an act
to provide for the public instruction of youth in Pri-
mary Schools, throughout this State.
If taxables, neglect
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in case the taxable inhabitants of any
school district in Talbot county, shall have refused or
neglected to comply with the provisions contained in
the second section of the act, to which this is a supple-
Duty of commissioner
ment, it shall be the duty of the commissioners for said
county, and they are hereby required to carry into
operation the provisions contained in the said second
Duty of clerk
section, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of each
school district to make out a list of all the taxable in-
habitants in their respective school districts, and also
an estimate of the cost necessary for the purposes
named in said section, and make return thereof to the
commissioners for the county, on or before the first day
of June next, and the said commissioners are required
at their first meeting thereafter to levy a tax upon said
taxable inhabitants to be collected in the same manner
as is provided for in the act to which this is a supple-
ment, and to be paid over to said commissioners to be
by them paid over to the Trustees of the proper school
district or their order to be by them applied to the pur-
poses contemplated by the said second section.
Three inspectors
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in lieu of eighteen
inspectors of primary schools in Talbot county, there
shall be three, well qualified and discreet persons, ap-
pointed annually by the commissioners for the county
To examine can-didates
whose only duty it shall be to examine all persons who
shall offer themselves as candidates for teaching pri-
mary schools in the county and in such examination it
shall be the duty of the Inspectors aforesaid to inquire,
and so far as they shall he enabled thereto to ascertain