they may direct, and when so assembled they shall
CHAP. 277.
have power from time to time to appoint a president,
Appoint officers,
treasurer and secretary to make contracts with the
professors or teachers relative to the instruction of the
scholars to be placed under their care, and for the pay-
ment of their salaries, to examine the progress of the
students and scholars in their learning, to hear and, de-
termine on all complaints and appeals, and upon all
matters touching the discipline and government of the
said academy, and the execution of their ordinances,
and generally to manage the estate and concerns of the
said academy, in such manner as they shall deem best
for the advancement and advantage of the institution.
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to Incorporate the
Passed Mar. 25, 1836
Stockholders of the Franklin Bank of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
If bank accept it become charter
Maryland, That if the president and directors of the
Franklin Bank of Baltimore shall, on or before the first
day of May next, pass and file with the Governor and
Council of Maryland, a resolution authorised at a ge-
neral meeting of the stockholders of said bank, of which
ten days' notice shall be given in all the daily newspa-
pers in the city of Baltimore, and under its common
seal, declaring its acceptance of this act, the following
provisions shall thenceforth be severally in full force
and form a part of the charter of said bank.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
Capital may be
said bank may be augmented, if done within two years
from the passage of this act, in such manner and at
such times as shall be prescribed by the president and
directors of the said bank; Provided, always, that the
whole capital stock of said bank shall not at any time
exceed one million two hundred thousand dollars, and
that the same shall be divided into shares of twenty-
Shares 25 dollars
five dollars each, and that no part of said stock shall
originally be disposed of by the president and directors
of said bank, at a less price than the par of said shares.