CHAP. 276.
changed slaves, shall in all other respects comply with the requirements of the act of December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, chapter eighty-seven.
Passed Mar,30,1836
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Kent county, to
levy a sum of money on the assessable properly of said
county, to make « causeway, and ered a bridge on the.
public road leading from Millington to Smyrna, near
and adjoining the Town of Millington.
Justices to levy
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court, of Kent county, be
and they hereby are empowered, in their discretion, to
levy a sum of money upon the assessable property of
said county, sufficient for the making a causeway and
erecting a bridge on the public road leading from the
town of Millington towards Smyrna, near the said
town of Millington, to be built of such materials and
of such construction, as they in their judgment may
think best calculated to promote the public interest.
Passed Mar. 26, 1836
AM act to incorporate the Battle Creek Academy, in Cal-
vert county.
WHEREAS, application has been made to this Gene-
ral Assembly of Maryland, for the passage of a law to
incorporate the Battle Creek Academy, in Calvert
county : — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembhj of
Maryland, That John J. Brook, John Broome, James
Duke, Uriah Laveille, Joseph T. Wilson, Charles
M. Frazier and John Mills, be and they are here-
by appointed the first trustees of the said academy,
and the said trustees and their successors to be elected
in manner hereinafter; mentioned, shall be and they are
hereby established and declared to be one community,
corporation and body politic, with perpetual succession