duty of any constable in St. Mary's county, when re-
CHAP. 260.
quired so to do by warrant issued from any justice of
the peace in said county, to proceed forthwith to arrest
and bring to trial and punishment, arty person or per-
sons offending against the provisions of the origin-
al act to which tins is a supplement, in the same man-
ner as the sheriff of the said county is by said original
act required to do; and for this purpose the said con-
stable is hereby clothed, whenever he shall be acting
under the. authority of a warrant from a justice of the
peace as aforesaid, with all and as full powers, in eve-
ry respect for the purposes of said act, as are by said
original act given to, and vested in the sheriff of the
said county.
Catching for time
SEC, 2. Be it further enacted, That from and after
the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons whatsoever, to take, catch or carry
away oysters from any cove or oyster bed, in St. Je-
rome's or Point Look Out creek, in St. Mary's coun-
ty, for purposes of being converted into lime, under
the penalty often dollars for every such offence, to be
received and collected as other small debts are recover-
ed, and when such fine shall he so recovered, one half
of said fine shall go to the informer, and the remainder
towards defraying the expenses of the county; Provid-
ed, always, that nothing herein contained, shall be so
construed as to prevent any person or persons in said
county, from catching and using for purposes of ma-
On bars permitted
nure, oysters from any bars or places where there are
large accumulations of small oysters and shells: but
they shall have full power and authority to resort to all
such bars or large accumulations of oysters, in any
creek or river in said county, taking therefrom oysters
for the purposes aforesaid.
Staking out for
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall and may
planting oysters
be lawful at any time after the passage of this act, for
any citizen of said county, to survey, take up, and
stake out for his use or benefit, in any of the bays, ri-
vers, creeks or coves in the county aforesaid, not ex-
ceeding one acre in extent, for the purpose of deposit-
ing, bedding or sowing oysters; Provided, they conform
to the provisions of the second section of the act of