CHAP. 259,
Passed Mar.29, 1836
An act to repeal all such parts of the Constitution and
Form of Government, as relates to the division of
Cecil county, into four separate etcction districts.
Division of district
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all such parts of the constitution and
form of Government, whereby Cecil county has been
divided and laid off into four separate election districts,
be, and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Joseph Pryan,
who may lay off Use county
Edward Wilson, William Mackey, Henry C. Cham-
berlaine, Thomas S. Thomas, George Kidd and Pa-
trick Ewings, be, and they are hereby commissioners,
and they or a majority of them, or a majority of their
survivors, are hereby authorised, if they shall deem it
necessary for the convenience of the voters of. said
county to lay off and divide anew, Cecil county into
Descriptions &c.
separate election districts, not exceeding in number, se-
ven, carefully making the several districts as nearly
equal as possible, having regard to population, extent
of territory, and the convenience of the voters of each
of the said election districts, and each election district
shall be numbered by said commissioners, and known
thereafter by such number, and also to make choice of
a place in each district so laid off, at which the elec-
tion shall he held as nearly central as possible, and the
said commissioners shall on or before the fifteenth day of
July, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, deliver
to the clerk of Cecil county court, a description
in writing, under their hands and seals, or the
hands and seals, of a majority of them, specifying
plainly the boundaries and number of each district, and
also the place in each district where the election for
such district is to be held, and the said clerk shall re-
cord the same among the recordsof said county.
Time of meeting
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
appointed by virtue of this act, shall meet at the court
house, of said county, on the first Monday of April,
eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, for the purpose of
performing the duties imposed by this act, and the com-