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regulations for the direction, visitation and examina-
tion of the said seminary, and the students and scholars
Examination, &c
therein, as shall best promote the important objects of
the institution; Provided, always, that the said ordi-
nances be not repugnant to the constitution and laws of
this State.
Quarterly meet-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said trustees
and their successors, or a majority of them, shall meet
at least four times in every year, in stated quarterly
meetings, to be appointed by their own ordinances,
and at such other times as by their said ordinances, or
by their own appointments they may direct, and when
Duties imposed
so assembled, they shall have power from time to time
to appoint a president, treasurer and secretary to make
contracts with the teacher or teachers, relative to the
instruction of the scholars to be placed under her or
their care, and for the payment of her or their salaries,
to examine the progress of the students and scholars in
their learning, to hear and determine upon all com-
plaints and appeals, and upon all matters touching the
discipline and government of the said seminary, and
the wholesome execution of their ordinances, and ge-
nerally to manage the estate and concerns of the said
seminary, in like manner as is usually done for the ad-
vancement and advantage of similar institutions.
Case of vacancy
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if any of the above
trustees of said seminary shall die, resign or remove
out of Montgomery county, the remaining trustees shall
fill the vacancy so created at the next meeting that shall
happen thereafter, and the trustee. or trustees that may
he so elected, shall serve until the annual election to
be made at the time before mentioned.
Oath required
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That before any trus-
tee hereinbefore appointed, or hereafter to be elected,
shall proceed to execute the trusts and authorities, de-
legated by this act, he shall qualify before any one of
the trustees present, who is hereby authorised to ad-
minister an oath or affirmation, as the case may be,
that he will well, faithfully, and truly execute and per-
form the duties of a trustee of the said seminary, with-
out partiality or prejudice, according to the best of
his skill and judgment.