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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 28

for other reasons set forth in petitions from numerous


and respectable persons, residents of said county,


Therefore :

The county divided into three

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of


Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act


Baltimore county shall be divided into three districts,


for the purpose of electing two commissioners for and


from each; that the first shall be composed of the first,


second, third and fifth election districts, which shall


elect two commissioners, and the second shall be com-


posed of the fourth, sixth, ninth and thirteenth election


districts, which shall in like manner elect two com-


missioners, and the third shall be composed of the re-


sidue of the county and also elect two.

Board to consist of six Commission-

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the board of commis-


sioners of Baltimore county shall, from and after the


first Monday in October next, consist of six members,


two of them to be elected by ballot for and from each


district above named and designated for the purpose of


electing commissioners, and that the persons who re-


spectively shall receive the highest number of votes in


the several above named districts, and of which they

Classified and term

shall be residents, shall be entitled to serve two years,


and the person who shall receive the next highest num-


ber shall serve one year, and after the expiration of


his term the vacancy shall be filled by a person to serve


for two years, and annually thereafter the voters of


said county, in their respective districts, shall elect


one commissioner for each of the above named district


for commissioners, in which vacancies shall occur from


time to time when the terms for which they shall be

Vacancies filled

elected shall expire. If at any time any vacancy or


vacancies should take place by death, resignation, re-


moval out of the district, or any other manner what-


ever, the Governor and Council shall fill said vacancy


or vacancies, until the following election, when the


voters of the county shall elect a commissioner or com-


missioners to fill said vacancy or vacancies.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the several judges


of election in Baltimore county shall hold and conduct


the elections for commissioners, in the manner provided


in the original act to which this is a supplement.

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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