CHAP. 235.
Provided however, that in any case the said court
may allow any compensation beyond the said six per
Discretionary pow-er
centum, to such trustees for any extraordinary trou-
ble of such trustee in the execution of the trust, so
however that the entire deduction including the six per
centum and two per centum deductions aforesaid, shall
not exceed ten per centum on the sums aforesaid.
Report required of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That Baltimore county
court shall be and is hereby authorised, ex officio, to
cause trustees of such insolvent debtors of the city of
Baltimore to make report of the funds and effects be-
longing to their trust, annually, or oftener if requisite,
in the opinion of the court, and to cause distribution
to be made among the creditors whensoever and as
speedily as justice may require the same, and may
pass all needful and proper rules for the accomplish-
ment of that object, and for the speedy settlement of
such trusts, and may appoint, if they see proper, a fit
person to audit and state the accounts and claims of
creditors, and may out of the effects returned by said
trustees allow for such service a reasonable compensa-
tion, not exceeding the allowance made to the auditor
Authority granted
of the court of chancery, and said court may pass
such orders in the several cases as it may deem proper
for the bringing of the monies or securities of such
trust funds into court, and may enforce such orders by
attachment or any writ of execution.
Additional jury
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever at any term
in the opinion of the judges of said county court, it shall
he deemed proper, the said county court may from time
to time, order another jury to be summoned to said
court in addition to the regularly attending jury of
the term, for the trial of any causes standing for trial
Assign a judge
at such term, and may assign one of the judges of the
said court to preside at the trial of causes before such
additional jury; which trials may be proceeded with
at the same time that causes shall be trying before the
regular attending jury aforesaid; Provided however,
that no cause shall be tried before such additional jury
which any of the parties by counsel or otherwise shall
at the first call of the trial docket, require to be tried
before the regularly attending jury aforesaid, and