Chancellor, and plats returned therewith, as the se-
cond and fourth divisions of the first part of Western
CHAP. 142
Connection, and the second division of the second part
of the same, containing as appears by said report and
plats, the quantity of eight thousand eight hundred and
eight acres, and five eighths of an acre.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That upon the return of
Patent to issue
the certificates of the said resurvey, and after the
same shall have remained the usual time in the Land
Office, it shall be the duty of the said Register to issue
a patent upon the same, to the said president, direct-
ors and company of the Bank of the United States, if
no caveat shall be fried during the period; and in case
If caveat filed
a caveat shall be filed, the same shall be heard and de-
Chancellor to de-
cided in the usual manner by the Chancellor, and in
that case a patent shall issue, or not, according as the
Chancellor may decide upon such caveat, but in nei-
ther case, shall the said president, directors and com-
pany of the Bank of the United States, be required to
pay or shew that the composition money on said land
has been paid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the services
hereby required to be performed by the said Register,
he shall be entitled to the compensation allowed by
law in similar cases.
Are act relating to certain Banks in the City of Baltimore.
Passed May. 5,1834
WHEREAS, by the eleventh section of an act of As-
sembly, passed at December session, of the year eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-one, chapter one hundred and
thirty-one, the faith of the State was pledged to certain
Banks in the city of Baltimore, upon certain terms
and conditions therein specified, not to impose any
further tax or burthen upon them during the continu-
ance of their charters under that act, AND WHEREAS,
it is equitable that the Banks subsequently chartered
by the State of Maryland, should stand on equal foot-
ing with those Banks, — Therefore,