roads authorised by this act be opened, to enclose, im-
CHAP. 135.
prove and hold all such parts of said land, on which
said streets or roads are at present located and not oc-
Close, &c.
cupied by the new location, as effectually and in the
same manner as if such streets or roads had never been
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That nothing in this, act
Plat and confirma-
contained shall have any force or effect until a plat
tion required
shewing the proposed alteration of said streets or roads
shall have been made by said David Shriver, or at his
own cost and charge and presented to, and the altera-
tion itself be approved by the mayor and council of the
town of Cumberland, which approval the mayor and
council aforesaid shall certify and with said plat cause
to be recorded among the land records of Allegany
county, provided, that nothing herein contained shall
authorise the altering or opening of any of said streets
or roads on or through the lands of any other person
or persons without their permission and consent.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when said streets or
Dimension pf
roads shall be opened, widened and changed, they shall
be made at least sixty feet wide, and the same shall be
done and made at the cost and charge of the parties
appplying for such alteration on their lands respect-
ively, and when so opened, they shall be public streets
of the town of Cumberland, provided, that nothing
herein contained shall authorise the removing or pull-
ing down of any house or shop without consent of the
owner thereof.
An act for the benefit of Thomas N. Muir.
Passed Feb.37,133 8
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Sale and conyey-
That Anne S. Muir, of the town of Cambridge, in
Dorchester county, he, and she is hereby authorised
and empowered to sell and convey to any person or
persons, their heirs and assigns, any portion of a cer-
tain lot of ground situate in said town, lying on the
south-side of Muir street, and adjacent to Cambridge