Sec. 4. And be it enacted; That the commissioners and
jurors aforesaid, shall be allowed for each and every day,
they shall be employed, under the provisions of this act,
two dollars, and costs necessarily incurred, one half of
which allowance to be paid by the United States, the other
moity by the proprietor or proprietors of the lands assess-
Sec. 5 And be it enacted, That the commissioners afore-
said, when they shall have completed their valuation as
aforesaid, and done all other things required of them by
this act, shall make out a copy of their proceedings, setting
forth in the same, a full description of the land by them
valued for the establishment of the light house or light
houses aforesaid, together with the road to the same and all
other matters and things connected with the said valuation,
and the performance of the duties assigned them by this
act; and to the said copy fairly written out, they shall sub-
scribe their names, and thereto set their seals, and they
shall deposit the same in the office of the clerk of the coun-
ty court, and the said clerk of the said court shall preserve
To report proceed
a record of the said proceedings for the recording of which
he shall be entitled to the same fee which he receives for
other records to be paid by the parties.
Record in county
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the benefit of M.
A. Ringgold and children.
Passed Jan. 12, 1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That so much of the act passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and thirty, to which this is a supple-
ment, as requires that security be given by the commission-
ers named in the said act, to be approved by the judges of
Washington county court or some one of them, or that
requires any other security to be given by the said commis-
sioners than that herein provided for, be and the same is
Security not re-
hereby repealed; provided that the said commissioners give
a joint and several bond in the penalty named in the said
act to which this is a supplement, to the state of Maryland,
for the use of the persons interested in the proceeds of the
sale authorised by the said act, conditioned for their due
and faithful discharge of the trust reposed in them by the
said act: And provided also, that the bond hereby required
be recorded, and a certified copy thereof under seal of