proprietors, if such road shall be deemed necessary; and
the decision of the commissioners aforesaid or a majority of
them, shall be considered final and conclusive between the
parties, unless an appeal shall thereafter be prosecuted, as
is hereinafter provided; and the amount or value of the land,
and the right of way, as aforesaid, thereto so assessed, be-
ing paid, or offered to be paid to the proprietor or pro-
prietors thereof, the United States shall henceforward be
considered the true and lawful owners of the said land, or
of the right, and privileges of a way, for the purposes
aforesaid: Provided always; That if the owner or owners of
the said land, and of the said road, as aforesaid valued, his,
her, or their guardian or guardians, trustee or trustees shall
conceive him, her, or themselves aggrieved by such valua-
tion by the said commissioners, or any of them, and shall
notify to the said commissioners the same in writing, it shall
and may be lawful for said commissioners, or any three of
them, to issue their warrant to the sheriff of the county, com-
manding him to summon as jurors, six freeholders of the
county aforesaid, and not interested in the premises, and
qualified to serve as jurors in the county court, to appear on
a day by them to be appointed on the premises and the said
commissioners, or any one of them are hereby authorised
to administer an oath or affirmation, as the case may be, to
every person so summoned that he will without favor, af-
fection, partiality, or prejudice, assess the damages sustain-
ed by the person or persons at whose request such inquisi-
tion shall be taken by transfer of his, her or their lands,
about to be made as aforesaid, and by reason of the disad-
vantages attendant upon the erection as aforesaid, and pri-
vileges of the road aforesaid, upon the land aforesaid and
the person so summoned, and so qualified, shall thereupon
Damages, how as-
sesseed on appeal.
proceed to assess and value the damages accordingly, of
which the said commissioners or any one of them shall
have given notice in the public papers as aforesaid, and
such inquisition shall be final and conclusive: Provided;
That in such appeal from the valuation and assessment of
damages made by the commissioners, should the valuation
and assessment of the said commissioners be confirmed or
reduced, by the jury by this section directed to be sum-
moned, the party appealing shall pay the whole expense in-
curred thereby.
Right of Maryland
Sec. 3. And be it enacted; That the right of jurisdiction
of the state of Maryland, in and over the land aforesaid,
be and the same is hereby relinquished, ceded and made
over to the United States aforesaid, for the purposes afore-